All of these screenshots and videos are from July 2019.
tChamber (originally known as "Test Chamber", and before that, as "Smoltest") was simply a test room for Darako (me) to script & practice Unity in.
It ended up evolving into it's own thing.
Here are some screenshots and video footage of the tChamber Prototype.
Screenshot #1,
Shot of the Prototype Main Chamber
Screenshot #2,
The Player holding a Wobbly Head toy prop.
Screenshot #3,
Shot of all three Wobbly Head toy props.
Screenshot #4,
Old Playermodel (Smolnov) watching TV.
All of the following "Early Prototype" videos are from July 25th 2019.
Early Prototype Video #1,
Prop Pick-up script test #1, with the "Scene" window visible.
Early Prototype Video #2,
Prop Pick-up script test #2, the "Scene" window is not visible.
Early Prototype Video #3,
In this video you can see the Prototype Main Chamber.
Things are starting to take shape.
Early Prototype Video #4,
Doppler Effect test.
This is the last video of the "Early Prototype" phase.
All of the following "Prototype" videos are from July 26th 2019.
Video #1,
Prop Pick-up script testing, the radio finally has a song.
Video #2,
Close-up of the Wobbly Head toy props.
Video #3,
The Lalo toy having a stroke.
Video #4,
Same thing as video #1, but with more props.
Video #5,
I have no clue what this video is about.