Released on October 28th, 2019.
The FIRST halloween update.
SEVEN new chambers got added, including the first ever Candy Collector, the
Generic Forest
Level previewers were added,
And a custom font was added to the game.
-Added spooky stuff
-Changed some textures to make the sp0nky
-Added halloween decoration
-Added halloween props
-Added SEVEN new chambers!
Maze: Level 1 Area 1
Maze: Level 1 Area 2
Candy Collector: Hub
Candy Collector Level 1: Generic Forest
Anomaly: Smirnov's Saturday, wHere coUld it Be?
Anomaly: Smirnov's Fake Saturday, perhaps you can get out?
Note: This is before Smirnov's Fake Saturday was remade, when it was an almost empty void with a Teleporter on the other side
Anomaly: Remnants, where am i? why is this familiar?
-Added a improvised checkpoint system to the Block Puzzle
°Basic AI Floating Skulls available in some chambers
°There's also a Wanderer Farm, if you get closer to the entrance it will automatically open.
-More Music!
-New Logo when the game starts!
-Level Previewer
°Above the Teleporters, there are some screens that show you a image preview of the chamber you're going to enter
-Fixed some bugs
-Custom Font added